Spring and Quarkus are Java application frameworks that serve as a foundation for complex, high-performance applications. Both frameworks use similar concepts (e.g., dependency injection) and offer a wide range of components for different areas of application development (data modeling, security, database connections, etc.).

This article aims to give a rough overview of the concepts and components of Quarkus from the perspective of a developer who is familiar with Spring. To achieve this, we want to elaborate on how we can migrate a Spring-based application into a similar Quarkus-based application.


The Spring platform consists of 22 projects (Spring Framework, Security, Batch, etc.) and some experimental projects, whereby the main Spring Framework project comprises 20 modules (for example, web). We get all other functions for our applications via ordinary third-party dependencies.

On the contrary, the Quarkus platform’s structure is somewhat different. Because the architects of Quarkus are keen to ensure that the entire framework builds on existing standards, they made the core functionalities of the framework around well-known libraries. Therefore, Quarkus comes with much less framework-specific code.

Quarkus is at its core a reactive framework, which gets achieved through the event-driven library Vert.x. Regardless of what we do in our application, there is always a Vert.x instance running underneath us responsible for processing parallel tasks (such as the processing of an HTTP request).

Extensions vs. Dependencies 

Everything above the Vert.X core is provided by so-called extensions. On the one hand, these extensions cover the components that we know from the Spring platform. But also, and this is the remarkable thing about Quarkus, these also serve as “replacements” for ordinary third-party dependencies. For example, we would not use the normal dependency for the Apache Camel library, as we would do in Spring, but the special Camel Quarkus extension. (However, it is still possible to use standard third-party libraries.)

Why do we now need special extensions and not use the standard libraries? In Spring, as our application grows, we have the problem that the startup time increases significantly. During startup, Spring resolves all meta information and dependencies in our application code and libraries in the classpath. A central goal of Quarkus is to solve this problem and significantly reduce startup time. And besides that, to produce smaller artifacts and better native support for the GraalVM. To achieve these goals, Quarkus moves the resolving process, which Spring does at runtime, to the build time.

Therefore, an extension is an advanced library that contains additional build time logic. With this logic, meta information and dependencies can be pre-calculated. Also, code generation, unused code removal, and creating caches/indexes can be done depending on the actual application configuration.

Equivalents of Spring Components in Quarkus 

The following table contains an incomplete mapping of most used Spring components to their Quarkus extension equivalents:

Spring Component Quarkus Extension
[web] Web RESTEasy
[web] Servlet Undertow
[web] WebSocket Websockets
[data] JPA Panache
[data] Transactions Narayana JTA
[data] JDBC Built-in based on Agroal or Vert.X
[data] JDBC Data Sources JDBC datasources
[data] JMS Built-in event bus of Vert.X or Qpid JMS AMQP/ActiveMQ Artemis JMS
Spring GraphQL SmallRye GraphQL
Spring Session Undertow
[security] Kerberos Quarkiverse: Kerberos
[security] OAuth Elytron Security OAuth2
[security] JWT SmallRye JWT
Spring LDAP Elytron Security LDAP
Spring Shell Picocli
Spring Cache Quarkus Cache
[cloud] AWS Varity of extensions

Chapter Migrating Spring Components shows an exemplary migration of Spring Web and Spring JPA to Quarkus.

Reuse Spring Code 

It is often impossible to start a greenfield application entirely based on Quarkus, its paradigms, and extensions. The Quarkus maintainers have therefore created several extensions that allow us to use Spring code in a Quarkus application:

Build Tool Chain 

Both Spring and Quarkus support Maven and Gradle and provide extra dependencies for better Kotlin support. Unlike Spring, however, Quarkus does not yet support Groovy.


In a Sprint-Boot-based application, we can decide between inheriting from the parent POM file spring-boot-starter-parent or Spring’s Bill Of Materials (BOM) file. In Quarkus, there is only the BOM file, which we include as follows:


Except that the version gets provided via the BOM file, we can add all other Quarkus dependencies as typical Maven dependencies.

As in Spring, there is a Maven Quarkus plugin which takes care of the additional built-time processing as well as additional development and distribution tasks:



In Gradle, the Quarkus framework works as in Spring. We have to apply one plugin that provides tasks for the build process as well as dependency management:

plugins {

We then include further Quarkus dependencies via the standard Gradle dependencies configurations.

Development Mode 

Spring offers a devtools plugin for Gradle and Maven, which allows us to run an application in development mode. One advantage of this mode is that it reacts to source file changes and automatically restarts the application or performs a hot reload/swapping. To use the development mode, we need to start the application via ./mvnw compile quarkus:dev (Maven) or ./gradlew quarkus:dev (Gradle).

Creating a Project From Scratch 

With the Spring Initializr tool, we can click together a runnable skeleton of a Spring application (build environment, initial configuration, and dependencies). Quarkus offers a similar tool with the same functionality on code.quarkus.io.

Application Configuration 

Spring’s application configuration is nearly similar to Quarkus' configuration system. The runtime configuration is an aggregation of different configuration sources. The most well-known sources, which function identically in both frameworks, are:

  • Environment variables (where FOO_BAR gets mapped to foo.bar);
  • JVM system properties and
  • a META-INF/application.properties file.

Quarkus uses the SmallRye Config API, which implements the MicroProfile Config specification. This API offers the possibility to implement custom configuration sources, about which I wrote a more detailed article.

For the property value in Spring, we can use the Spring Expression Language, which allows us to execute logic to define the property’s value. In Quarkus, this is more limited. Here we can only refer to other values with the Property Expression definition:


Injecting Configuration Properties 

In Spring, we would use the annotation @Value("${propertyName}") to inject a configuration property into a field, parameter, or setter method. In Quarkus, we use the annotation @ConfigProperty("propertyName"). Both frameworks can automatically map the property value to the data type of the injection point:

int numOfThreads;

Spring’s @Value is more potent because of the expression language. While in Quarkus, we do a simple mapping of the given property name to its value (similar to reading a value from a map).

This difference can be seen in the handling of default values: we would use the expression @Value("${propertyName:defaultValue}") in Spring, but @ConfigProperty(name = "propertyName", defaultValue = "defaultValue") in Quarkus.

As in Spring, the application start will fail if a referenced property is not available. We reference optional values either by specifying a default value or wrapping the type in a Java Optional<...>.


A profile allows us to adapt our application to different runtime environments, such as mocked data in a development environment instead of the productive database. How profiles are defined, and work is almost identical in Spring and Quarkus.

An important point regarding profiles in Quarkus is that there is a difference between the build time profile and the runtime profile. The reason for that is that Quarkus moves a lot of things into build time that Spring doesn’t do until runtime.

Quarkus, like Spring, has the built-in profiles prod, dev, and test. The Quarkus framework, Maven plugin, or Gradle plugin will automatically choose the correct profile for build time and runtime, based on the current environment. For example, if we start Quarkus via the dev Maven/Gradle task, the plugin will select the dev profile for build and runtime. And the prod profile if we build the JAR of our application. We can configure the build time profile in the Maven or Gradle plugin and the runtime profile via the system property -Dquarkus.profile=my-profile.

The chapter Creating Beans Depending on the Profile will discuss how we can create beans depending on the profile.

Profile Dependent Configuration Properties 

Quarkus uses the same naming schema for configuration properties files like Spring. The scheme is as follows: a property defined in file application.properties will be available in all profiles and defined in a file with the profile name as a postfix only in that profile. So, for example, all properties from file application-dev.properties would only be available in the dev profile.

In addition to that, in Quarkus, we can add the profile as a prefix to the property name. For normal properties, the format would be %profileName.key=value (e.g., %dev.foo.bar=baz) and for environment variables _PROFILENAME_KEY=VALUE (e.g., _DEV_FOO_BAR=BAZ). This mechanism makes it possible to define the same property key but for different profiles in one file.

Main Class 

Spring requires us to have a class with a main method. In contrast, such a main method in Quarkus is optional. Quarkus will generate a simple one for us at build time if we don’t provide our own. Such a simple one looks like this:

public class MyMain {

  public static void main(String ... args) {

The main class is found by Quarkus either by the annotation @QuarkusMain or by the fully qualified class name specified in the configuration property quarkus.package.main-class.

An explicit main class has the advantage that we can start Quarkus directly from our IDE and don’t have to use Gradle or Maven. However, we then do not benefit from the development CLI.

Spring’s IoC Container vs Quarkus' ArC Container 

Both Spring and Quarkus implement the inversion of control principle (IoC) using the dependency injection (DI) mechanism. In summary, with DI, an object only defines dependencies to other objects (for example, through constructor arguments, properties, or setter methods) but is not responsible for their instantiation. Instead, an object receives the instances of its dependent objects at runtime by a higher-level controller, the so-called container. This container is not only responsible for the DI, it also takes care of all aspects of the life cycle of an object. Such a controlled object gets called a bean.

Substantially, Spring and Quarkus don’t differ much in how we work with the DI mechanism, how the container handles the lifecycles, and how we define beans. So for most use cases, in terms of DI, we only have to get used to new annotation names and slightly different default behavior of certain features.

Quarkus' DI solution (called ArC) is based on the standard JSR 365: Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java 2.0. However, this standard was not fully implemented yet by the Quarkus maintainers.

The Container 

The IoC container of Spring builds on the interfaces BeanFactory and ApplicationContext. This container takes the POJOs classes and their configuration metadata to configure the runtime system. Spring offers various ApplicationContext implementations, which allows us to choose different ways of how we want to provide the configuration metadata. The most common ways are XML-based, annotation-based, and Java-based.

The different container implementations have historically emerged in Spring. Quarkus makes a hard cut here and only allows us to use Java-based configuration metadata for our POJOs.

Quarkus' DI container can be accessed via Arc.container() or via the JSR 365 interface CDI.current(). (The CDI implementation just delegates all calls to the Arc implementation.)

The BeanFactory equivalent in Quarkus can be found once in the BeanManager, which can be accessed via Arc.container().beanManager() or CDI.current().getBeanManager(). However, we can only query the configuration metadata of all already loaded beans via this manager. The other part of Springs bean factory methods, with which we can programmatically access beans, can be found in the Arc or CDI instance:

// Spring
MyBean myBean = applicationContext.getBean(MyBean.class);
// Quarkus
MyBean myBean = Arc.container().select(MyBean.class).get();
MyBean myBean = CDI.current().select(MyBean.class).get();

In Spring, it is possible to have multiple ApplicationContext instances. However, this is not possible in Quarkus. We can only override the built-in implementation with our own.

Another essential difference is that Quarkus removes all unreferenced beans (with some exceptions) for optimization reasons. Unlike in Spring, we can no longer access them programmatically at runtime.

Defining Beans 

Next, let’s look at the differences in how we define beans. But since Quarkus have a Java-based configuration, we will limit the comparison to Spring’s Java-based equivalent.

In Spring and Quarkus, we have two types of annotations to configure a bean: stereotype annotations and scope annotations.

We use stereotype annotations to define recurring architectural patterns. In Spring, the primary stereotypes are @Component and its specialization @Controller, @Service, and @Repository. For example, we would use @Service to annotate a bean that contains business logic. Unfortunately, Quarkus does not have any built-in stereotype annotations. But it’s easy to create our own, but more on that later.

Next, we use scope annotations determine the instantiation behavior of a bean. This behavior includes whether the DI container creates a new instance when a bean gets injected into another bean. Or whether an existing instance gets reused. To control the scope of a bean in Spring, we annotate the class with @Scope(...). Quarkus has almost an identical set of scopes, which we’ll take a closer look at in a moment.

In the way beans are defined and created, there are two different approaches in Spring and Quarkus:

  • The first is that in Spring, we turn a POJO into a bean using a stereotype annotation. Optionally we can add a scope annotation. In Quarkus, on the other hand, it’s the other way around. A POJO becomes a bean by adding a scope annotation, and stereotype annotations are optional.

  • The second is that in Quarkus, a bean gets lazily created by default, whereas this is done eagerly in Spring.

This difference means we need to rethink when we want to migrate beans from Spring to Quarkus. When defining a bean, we always have to decide when the DI should create it. The role of the bean is secondary. In Spring, we would do this the other way around.

Migrating Bean Scopes 

Let’s take a look at the following simple Spring service:

public class MyService {

Since this bean has no explicit scope annotation, Spring will add the singleton scope by default. The singleton scope will lead the IoC container to create exactly one bean instance and reuse it at every point in the application. Quarkus singeltone equivalents are @Singleton and @ApplicationScoped. Both have the single instance characteristic. However, they differ on what triggers the creation of the instance. With the first one, the bean gets created when it gets injected into its parent bean. And with the second one, only when a method gets called from the bean.

The other three Spring scopes can be mapped 1:1 in Quarkus: The prototype scope, which gets set by the @Dependent annotation, leads the IoC container to create a new bean instance for every injection point. Similarly, a request scoped bean gets defined with the annotation @RequestScoped in Quarkus. And finally, with the help of the Undertow extension, we can set the session scope through the annotation @SessionScoped.

Migrating Stereotypes 

To make it clear again: A stereotype annotation in Quarkus does not define a bean. Instead, we use such annotation to encapsulate recurring characteristics or make the code more readable.

Even if Quarkus doesn’t have any built-in stereotypes, we can easily define some ourselves. To do this, we need to create an annotation that is annotated with @Stereotype. Optionally, we can give this annotation a scope annotation, which serves as the default scope for the stereotyped bean.

A Quarkus equivalent to Spring’s @Service annotation would look like this:

@Singletone // Default scope
public @interface Service {

Injecting Beans 

Regarding the injection of beans, Quarkus and Spring behave almost identically. In Spring, we use the annotation @Autowired on fields, constructors, or setter methods to inject beans into another bean. Quarkus has the same functionality, but it uses the annotations from the JSR-330 standard (which are also available in Spring). This standard specifies that we use the annotation @javax.inject.Inject to mark an injection point:

public class MyService {
  OtherService otherService;
  @Inject // Optional if there are no other constructors
  MyService(OtherService otherService) {
  void setOtherService(OtherService otherService) {
Injecting a List of Beans 

In Spring, we can inject a list of all beans that implement a particular interface:

List<MyInterface> myInterfaces;

We can do the same thing in Quarkus, but unfortunately, we must take an extra step. First, we need to get the wrapper instance of the bean:

Instance<MyInterface> myInterfaces;

From this wrapper object, we can access all bean instances that implement the given interface via myInterfaces.stream() or myInerfaces.forEach(...).

Eager Initialization and Life Cycle of Beans 

As we already learned, in Quarkus, everything related to DI is lazy by default. But, if we want to initialize our bean eagerly, we need to use a method that observes the occurrence of the StartUpEvent:

public class MyBean {
  void setUp(@Observe StartUpEvent ignore) {
    // Do eager initialization

Reacting to the life cycle of a bean is the same in Quarkus as in Spring: A method annotated with @PostConstruct or @PreDestroy gets called after the creation or deconstruction of a bean.

Dynamically Creation of Beans 

Sometimes it is helpful to create and configure beans depending on runtime conditions. In Spring, we would need a class annotated with @Configuration to create the desired beans in methods annotated with @Bean. Quarkus equivalent to this is almost identical. The class needs to contain at least one method that has the annotation @Produces:

// Spring
public class MyServiceProducer {
  public MyService myService() {
    return new MyService();

// Quarkus
public class MyServiceProducer {
  public MyService createMyService() {
    return new MyService();

Creating Beans Depending on the Profile 

Creating a bean depending on the current profile is identical in Spring and Quarkus. We just have to get used to new annotations.

The Spring equivalent of @Profile("profileName") would be @IfBuildProfile("profile") in Quarkus. If we want to express the opposite (a profile is not active), we would use @UnlessBuildProfile("profileName") in Quarkus instead of @Profile("!dev") in Spring.

If we have multiple beans that are to be created depending on the profile, we may want to have a “fallback” bean to be used when none of the conditions apply. We do this by annotating the bean or the @Produces method with @DefaultBean.

We must note here that we always refer to the build time profile, since Quarkus does a lot of the CDI handling at build time, as discussed in the chapter Profiles.

Naming and Selecting Beans 

In Spring, we use @Component("beanName"), @Bean("beanName"), or @Qualifier("beanName") to give a bean a name. The equivalent in Quarkus would be @Named("beanName").

However, there is a fundamentally different behavior regarding the implicit name. Spring’s container derives the name of an unnamed bean from the class or method name. In Quarkus, instead, an unnamed bean does not have an implicit name.

Like @Qualifier("beanName") in Spring, we use @Named("beanName") in Quarkus to select a bean by its name at an injection point. This reference by name is especially needed when we have an ambiguous type. For example, multiple bean classes implement the same interface, which we want to use as the injection point type.

Bean Discovery 

If we use annotation-based beans in Spring, we need to tell Spring to a component scanning of the classpath. We do this by annotating our main class with @ComponentScan (or @SpringBootApplication which implicitly adds the annotation for us).

As mentioned several times, the central part of the DI in Quarkus takes place at build time, which is also the case for bean discovery. However, since Quarkus only provides annotation-based beans, we don’t need to instruct Quarkus to search for them explicitly. The crucial point here is that the beans must be in the runtime classpath and the compile classpath.

To discover beans in third-party dependencies, Quarkus offers a variety of options. The most powerful tool here is probably the Jandex index, which allows packing all configuration meta information of a library into a central index at the build time of the library. Alternatively, especially if we cannot customize the third-party file, we can specify in the application.properties which dependencies should be searched for beans:


Unsupported Spring Bean Features 

Not supported yet are the @Primary and @Order annotations.


Spring includes a set of conditional annotations with which we can control the creation conditions of a bean. For example, we can use @ConditionalOnJava(value = JavaVersion.ELEVEN) to make a bean class available to the DI container only if the Java version is greater than or equal to 11.

Such a feature is not yet available in Quarkus because Quarkus will do most of the DI configuration at build time. An alternative is to create beans dynamically using the @Produces annotations.

However, there is one exception, we can replace @ConditionalOnMissingBean with @DefaultBean in Quarkus.


With the @DependsOn annotation in Spring, we can ensure that a bean gets initialized before another bean, even if that bean gets not explicitly referenced. Unfortunately, there is no direct replacement for this annotation in Quarkus.

Migrating Spring Components 

This chapter will exemplarily migrate a Spring Web and Spring JPA implementation to their Quarkus equivalents. However, we remain at a very high, abstract level, as each one could fill entire articles.

From Spring Web to JAX-RS 

For REST interfaces, Quarkus uses the JAX-RS standard through the RESTEsay implementation.

If we want to migrate a Spring REST resource into a JAX-RS resource, we just have to get used to new annotations again. Let’s take a look at the following Spring Web resource:

public class HelloController {

  @GetMapping(value = "/{name}",
              consumes = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE,
              produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
  public ResponseEntity<?> hellp(@PathVariable String name) {
    return new ResponseEntity<>("Hello " + name, HttpStatus.OK);

An equivalent implementation using JAX-RS in Quarkus would be:

public class HelloResource {

  public Response hello(@PathParam("name") String name) {
    return Response.ok("Hello " + name).build();

We can find more explanations regarding JAX-RS in this great tutorial from mkyong.

From Spring JPA Respository to Panache 

In Quarkus, we also use JPA for our data modeling and persistence. Therefore, we can continue to use the JPA annotations (@Entity, @ID, etc.) to define entities and relations. And like in Spring, Hibernate gets used as the favored implementation of JPA in Quarkus, which gets accessed through the library Panache.

In Spring JPA, we would implement the data layer as follows. First, we start with modeling our domain object, for example:

public class Employee {
  private Long id;
  private String name;

After that, we would use the repository pattern, where we create an interface that extends the interface Repository (or a sub-type of it) for each domain object. So, for example, for our Employee entry, this would be:

public interface EmployeeRepository implements CrudRepository {
  Employee findByName(String name);

Our repository interface inherits many commonly used data managing functions like finding, deleting, and saving. In addition, we can define our own abstract data managing methods whose names are a combination of a function and entity properties (e.g., findByName).

Panache Repository Pattern 

If we want to continue using the repository pattern in Panache, we only need to make minor changes.

First of all, we can continue to use our domain object as we defined it in Spring JPA without any changes.

The repository remains identical in terms of semantics. We just need to refactor it a bit. First, the interface becomes a class. Then, the @Repository annotation becomes a scope annotation so that Quarkus also sees the repository as a bean. The class must then implement the panache interface PanacheRepository<DomainObject>, via which our repository then receives the CRUD and other elementary methods. The EmployeeRepository would look like this in Panache:

public class EmployeeRepository implements PanacheRepository<Employee> {
  public Person findByName(String name){
    return find("name", name).firstResult();

Custom data managing methods are more complicated because we have to implement them ourselves, but the underlying logic is relatively straightforward to implement.

Panache Active Record Pattern 

To simplify things, Panache offers the active record pattern. This pattern merges the domain object and the repository.

For this pattern, our entity class must inherit from PanacheEntity. From this class, we inherit the CRUD and other elementary data managing methods, like the ones from the PanacheRepository, and the @ID field. Our Employee class would look like this using Panache’s active record pattern:

public class Employee extends PanacheEntity {
  private String name;
  public static Person findByName(String name){
    return find("name", name).firstResult();
About the Author

Marcel Kliemannel

Software Engineer, JVM Enthusiast and technical writer with a focus on architecture, backend, security, automation, DevOps, monitoring, and performance.

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